Child Death Review Study

This report has been published by the Confidential Enquiry into Maternal and Child Health (CEMACH). It is the first report of a national confidential enquiry specifically focussed on child deaths. There were six key findings:
Key Finding 1: The feasibility of confidential enquiries in children: CEMACH recommended that it should prepare a strategy for the future development of the national confidential enquiry for child health in liaison with the National Patient Safety Agency, the Department of Health, the Department for Children, Schools and Families and other relevant bodies.
Key Finding 2: Good practice: The CEMACH enquiry panels found many examples of high quality care and examples where, even with outstanding care, the child died
Key Finding 3: The recognition of serious illness in children: CEMACH recommended (for paediatric care in hospitals) a standardised and rational monitoring system with imbedded early identification systems for children developing critical illness – an early warning score; and that efforts should be made to improve the detection of children with mental health problems.
Key Finding 4: Missed appointments and poor coordination of care: CEMACH recommends Health Services, including primary care and Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) should proactively follow up children who do not attend their appointments.
Key Finding 5: Response to the recognition of life limiting illness: CEMACH recommends planning for future terminal care should consider where best to deliver care, at home or in a hospice.
Key Finding 6: The need for further epidemiological review of child deaths: CEMACH recommends (1) Ongoing national epidemiological analysis of child mortality; (2) Neonatal mortality surveillance: and (3) Extended scope of case review to ensure Local Safeguarding Chilrden's Boards are as successful as they could be in identifying preventable factors and should use the aggregated review findings to inform local strategic planning on how best safeguard and promote the welfare of the children in their area.
Key Finding 7: The complexity of child death: CEMACH recommends improving death certificate information.
Key Finding 8: The role of primary care: CEMACH recommends the maintenance of paediatric skills in general practice.

You can read the full report here and a version for children and young people here.


Unknown said…
Maternal and child Health is of utmost importance. Its startling to know that more than half a million women die in pregnancy and childbirth every year -
that’s one death every minute.

I also came across community on orkut
which represents the UN campaign against poverty of which child and maternal health is one of the 7 major goals.
Maternal and child health is very important.

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