How to request an inter-library loan

Inter-library loans should be requested online.

You can fill in an online form via the UCL online catalogue at

Click on the "ILL" option at the top of the library catalogue page. You will need to sign in with your libary barcode (on the back of your ID badge) and PIN number (ask at the library issue desk if you don't know your PIN).

Once you have signed in, choose the material type you want to request, either

  • book
  • conference proceeding
  • report
  • thesis
  • journal or journal article

Please complete a separate request form for each item:

  • multi-volume books - one form per volume required
  • journal articles - one form per article
  • multi-articles in a journal issue/conference proceedings - one form per issue/conference

Please note: UK copyright law does not allow more than one article to be photocopied from the same bound issue or volume.

Please remember to read and sign the copyright declaration if requesting a photocopy. To comply with UK copyright law the details and signature must be of the person who requires the photocopied material.

The cost remains at £3.00. If you are planning to pay with a grant, please state this in the box marked "extra information". The £3.00 ILL charge has to be paid on collection.


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