Available Now: 2010 Journal Citation Reports
2010 JOURNAL CITATION REPORTS is now available through the Web of Knowledge.
JCR has even more regional content than the previous editions and provides a combination of impact and influence metrics, and millions of cited and citing journal data points that comprise the complete journal citation network of Web of Science.
The 2010 JCR includes:
•More than 10,000 of the world’s most highly cited, peer reviewed journals in 238 disciplines
•Nearly 2,500 publishers and 84 countries represented
•Over 1,300 regional journals
•1,075 journals receiving their first Journal Impact Factor
JCR has even more regional content than the previous editions and provides a combination of impact and influence metrics, and millions of cited and citing journal data points that comprise the complete journal citation network of Web of Science.
The 2010 JCR includes:
•More than 10,000 of the world’s most highly cited, peer reviewed journals in 238 disciplines
•Nearly 2,500 publishers and 84 countries represented
•Over 1,300 regional journals
•1,075 journals receiving their first Journal Impact Factor