Wellcome Medical Heritage Library Project
The Motherboard Blog features an interesting article on the Wellcome's Medical Heritage Library Project. This massive digitisation programme is jointly funded by JISC and the Wellcome Library and aims to digitise the 19th century book collections of 10 UK libraries
relating to medicine.
Each member of staff in the MHL project aims to scan 800 pages an
hour, and to date they've scanned over 2.5 million pages, and will have done 16-17 million pages by 2016.
One of the partners in this project is UCL Library Services. Although not specifically mentioned in the Motherboard Blog, several of the UCL medical site libraries are participating in this project, including our own at ICH. Items that have already been digitised and made available may be seen via this link which provides appropriate subject headings for searching, otherwise use this link to the Wellcome http://wellcomelibrary.org/collections/digital-collections/uk-medical-heritage-library/
An example of one of the items from our own historical collections is James Carmichael's Disease in Children (1892).