Opening times reminder

A reminder that at 18:30 each weekday afternoon the building goes into restricted access – anyone arriving or remaining in the building is required to sign in at the front desk.

Additionally to this the internal perimeter of the building is locked down, this means there is no access via the Gallery in/out of GOSH nor any access into the building via Goods Inward (access into the building by these means is limited to 08:00 to 18:30).

Outside of core hours (08:00 to 18:30 Mon-Fri) there is reduced access to the building and all access is via the main entrance and requires sign in.

To summarise:
Weekdays – Building opens for full access at 08:00, with reduced access after the end of core hours at 18:30 and shuts at 23:00
Weekends – Always reduced access from 09:00 to 21:00
Bank Holidays – Always reduced access from 09:00 to 14:00


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