New e-learning launched to enhance the use of NICE guidelines

Health Education England’s e-Learning for Healthcare (HEE e-LfH) programme and the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) have developed an e-learning resource focusing on NICE Guidance.

The e-learning offers practical advice about how to use evidence based medicine in daily practice.  The e-learning resource includes content that has been adapted from NICE guidelines and illustrates application of the guidance using practical examples.  

There are eight sessions of e-learning that cover:
·        Evidence-based medicine
·        Principles of decision making in healthcare
·        Changing clinical practice
·        Audit and feedback.

The e-learning, which has been developed in conjunction with Leeds and St George’s medical schools, is designed to improve the understanding and enhance the implementation of NICE guidelines among healthcare professionals. 

The e-learning will help users to follow the guidance for evidence-based medicine, make decisions in an evidence-based and fair way, understand, identify and overcome barriers to change as well as conduct an audit and provide feedback.

To access the e-learning for free, visit:


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