Child Death Review Study
This report has been published by the Confidential Enquiry into Maternal and Child Health (CEMACH). It is the first report of a national confidential enquiry specifically focussed on child deaths. There were six key findings: Key Finding 1: The feasibility of confidential enquiries in children: CEMACH recommended that it should prepare a strategy for the future development of the national confidential enquiry for child health in liaison with the National Patient Safety Agency, the Department of Health, the Department for Children, Schools and Families and other relevant bodies. Key Finding 2: Good practice: The CEMACH enquiry panels found many examples of high quality care and examples where, even with outstanding care, the child died Key Finding 3: The recognition of serious illness in children: CEMACH recommended (for paediatric care in hospitals) a standardised and rational monitoring system with imbedded early identification systems for children developing critical illness – an...