Historic Hospital Admission Records Project (HHARP)

The Historic Hospital Admission Registers Project (HHARP) is a free resource for 19th century children's hospital records, offering an insight into the health of children during this period.

HHARP is a partnership between Kingston University's Centre for Local History Studies and various hospital archives in London and Glasgow. It began life in 2001 as a project to create a database of late 19th and early 20th century admissions to the Hospital for Sick Children. Subsequently, the project was expanded to include three other children's hospitals: the Evelina Hospital (now part of Guy's and St Thomas's NHS Trust); the Alexandra Hospital for Children with Hip Disease; and the Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow. Funding for the project came principally from the Research Resources in Medical History Programme of the Wellcome Trust, with additional financial support from the Friends of Great Ormond Street Hospital, the Nuffield Foundation and the History Research Unit at Kingston University. The Great Ormond Street database was completed and made available in 2007, the databases for the Evelina and the Alexandra Hospital for Children with Hip Disease were made available in early 2010, while that for Glasgow was completed in September 2010.

The Admission Registers of all four hospitals (plus those for Great Ormond Street's convalescent home, Cromwell House) cover a period ranging from February 1852 (when Great Ormond Street's doors first opened) through to December 31st 1914. While the Great Ormond Street records are continuous for the whole period, the other hospital records cover shorter runs within these dates.

In addition to the patient records there are some equally usefual features on the site, including a list of medical terms used and a useful list of topical articles


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