Bubble wrap stress relief for our students

It’s exam and dissertation season for our hard-working students (the ICH has over 400).
With this in mind, and in a show of solidarity, library staff have provided some bubble wrap stress relief.
The stress relieving properties of this product are well documented. A survey, commissioned by a bubble wrap manufacturer, found that ‘just over one minute of popping bubble wrap provides stress relief equivalent to a 33 minute massage’ (https://sealedair.com/sites/default/files/1201-bubblewrapday.pdf ).
In 2014 students at University of Leicester resorted to the same measure. They also employed puppies to sooth stressed students (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-27469803 ). Although the library does not at present propose the employment of dogs, we note that GOSH does: http://blog.gosh.org/our-hospital/a-day-in-the-life-of-a-pets-as-therapy-dog/ .


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