Plant cuttings giveaway!

The library is part of UCL's Green Impact initiative which is organised by Sustainable UCL - a department which raises awareness by providing helpful information to resources on how we, in the UCL Community, can help contribute in a positive way to climate change. You may have noticed their work on our social media, or perhaps on the Library's Green Impact noticeboard? They’re a great resource for students and staff looking for ways to get into sustainability.

This year, as the library's Green Impact champion, and as a keen home gardener, Jing Ly, has been growing a small collection of houseplants in the library to replace all the ones that had, unfortunately, died during lockdown. Now that many of the plants are thriving again, we'd like to offer some of these to our users to enjoy in their home, halls of residence, hospital ward, or,wherever you like. Caring for a plant is an easy and fun way to get into sustainability, and introduce a little verdant calm in to your space.

The plants we're offering have been selected as they are all easy care plants, and will need just a little bit of sun and occasional watering to get on. There's no need to re-pot these until there is significant growth. 

You'll find the plant cuttings in little pots on the window sill in the library lobby area ( by the lockers just as you enter ), please just help yourself! Any small donations you can offer would be warmly welcomed, and will go towards the upkeep of plants in the library (we hope to offer plant cuttings again!) - the donation pot is by the self-service issue machine.

Please read on for some basic care information below for the plants we are offering. We hope you enjoy your new plant!

Some plant care tips

Wandering Jew/ Tradescantia Zebrina

Temperature: Average indoor temperatures of 65-75ºF (18-24ºC) are suitable, and no lower than 50ºF (10ºC).
Light: Enough light is vital for this plant to grow well, and prevent spindly growth. South or east facing rooms are best without too much direct sun (some direct sun is appreciated).
Watering: Water thoroughly from April - October keeping the soil moist - and then much less during November - March.
Soil: A well draining peat based potting mix is suitable. 2 parts peat and 1 part perlite can be used.
Re-Potting: Re-pot once the plant has outgrown it's present container or every 2 years.
Fertilizer: Feed from April - October with a balanced diluted fertilizer every 2 weeks.
Humidity: Average indoor humidity should be fine. To improve humidity mist the leaves frequently.

Spider Plant/ Chlorophytum comosum

Temperature: Minimum temperature should be no lower than 45°F (7°C). Ideal is approximately 60° - 75°F (15° - 24°C).
Light: Nicely lit room without direct sunlight.
Watering: They like plenty of water, between spring and summer. In the winter they should need a lot less.
Soil:  Any decent potting mix.oil:      
Re-Potting: Re-pot in spring, if needed (outgrown its pot). Look for roots growing out of the drainage holes of the current pot.
Fertilizer: Feed during spring and summer with a diluted liquid fertilizer.
Humidity: Avoid too much hot air as this will affect the leaves. Spraying a water mist in the summer and within a warm artificially heated room will help.
Propagation: Propagate by dividing the main plant or replant the plant-lets that grow from the main plant any time between spring - fall.

Jade plant/ Crassula Ovata

Temperature: Room temperatures of around 60°f / 15.5°c --- 75°f / 24°c are ideal. Winter no less than 50°f / 10°c.
LightThe jade plant flourishes in good health with plenty of light. If you can provide a few hours of sunshine a day your going to have a happy plant.
Watering: It's best to allow the soil to become dry between each watering which will depend on the time of year, how much humidity and amount of sunlight it's getting. Allowing too much water to sit at the bottom of the pot with the roots will cause them to rot (avoid this).
Soil: A good draining soil mix that is gritty is advisable to use, which is sold and used for cacti and succulents.   
Re-Potting: Re-pot (spring - summer) when the plant becomes root bound or the soil needs renewing. A good solid and heavy pot is best to use because Jade plants are well known for being top heavy. A heavy pot will prevent them from tipping over.
Fertilizer: Feed each week or two (maybe less) with a weak or diluted liquid fertilizer. Fertilizer made for succulents may be your best bet, that does not need to be a high strength type.
Humidity: They survive well in quite humid conditions naturally, although you will please them with water misting.
Propagation: Propagating is achieved with leaf or stem cuttings which are placed into a soil mix, then wait until they show some growth. Before placing them in soil mix you will prevent potential problems from the sap seeping out by allowing them to dry on a windowsill, for a few days or so.

This plant care information is based on information from the website, last accessed on 06 April 2022.


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