
Showing posts from March, 2013

Mobile version of our blog

There is a version of this blog available for mobile devices please scan the QR code:

New online PubMed tutorial

A new online PubMed tutorial is available on the library website.  The tutorial is freely available  and it provides an introduction  to literature searching using PubMed. It can also be viewed on iPads and on Android tablets. Please view from our library webpage: More tutorials will be available soon. Watch this space.

Endnote available on all Great Ormond Street computers in the Library

We are pleased to announce that Endnote X6 is now available on all the Great Ormond Street Computers in the library.

Self-guided smartphone tour of the Institute of Child Health Library

There is a new self-guided smartphone tour of the Library. To follow it start scanning the QR code at various point in the library starting from the lobby. You will see a text explanation of our facilities as you follow the tour. Alternatively if you are curious about a particular area of the library scan the code.

upgrade to the UCL's Research Publications Service

A major upgrade has been applied to RPS (UCL’s Research Publications Service).  Although the functionality is very similar to the existing version of RPS, the upgrade brings a new look to your profile. You will be able to navigate easier between pages in your profile with reoccurring options at the top and to the left of each page. There are some changes to terminology within the service. For example publications become ‘Mine’, ‘Pending’ or ‘Not Mine’ depending on whether you have ‘Claimed’ or ‘Rejected’ them. If you need help with  the new service or with any other aspect of RPS including getting rid of duplicates,  and sorting out various problems please contact the library  and we will help.  Alternatively the  Library  offers  training sessions  below:  25 April 2013 10.30-12.00 ICH Wolfson Centre Large Cluster room 1 (F17) 30 May 2013   10.30-12.00 ICH Wolfson Centre Large Cluster room 1 (F17) 27 June 2013...