New PubMed interface
When you visit PubMed, you will notice that a ‘New PubMed’ banner has appeared at the top of the screen. This updated version of the PubMed interface will become the default in spring 2020 and will ultimately replace the legacy version. The new interface is compatible with any size of screen and so provides better support for accessing content via mobile phones or tablets. If you already have saved searches or alerts in legacy PubMed, you do not need to do anything. They will automatically transfer to the new interface. Improvements to the new search interface include: Improved term mapping (to synonyms, British-American spelling, etc.). Unlimited truncation. Results are sorted by ‘best match’ as a default. The ‘Results by Year’ graph shows trends in literature over time. Better display and navigation options for search results. Export up to 10,000 references at once to EndNote or other reference management software. More information can be found in November’...