Exam papers
Past exam papers can be found through Explore (limit your search to just ‘UCL Exam Papers’ for best results) – or the Exam papers home page: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/library/digital-collections/collections/exam Due to the Academic Module Project in summer 2018 (when all module codes changed), exam papers from 2014-2017 have the old module code; the 2018 papers have the old AND new module code. The best way to search therefore is by module title . The archive is a rolling 5 years as default, though some departments have chosen to limit this to only 3 years. A list of these is in the Exams FAQ The archive is incomplete as papers are sometimes withheld by departments. If students wish to report a missing paper, please encourage them to use the Missing Paper Form . If the department wishes, we can add or remove papers retrospectively .