How to renew books on-line

You can renew your library books online at any time via the library catalogue in a few easy steps:

1) Go to the library catalogue at
2) Select My Account at the top of the eUCLid catalogue screen

3) You will be prompted to enter your Barcode (this is the number on the back of your library/UCL ID card) and PIN code (this is your four figure/letter code - ask at the library issue desk if you don't know yours)

4) Click Sign In, then select from the options that follow (eg you can change your PIN code)

5) To renew a book, click on the current number of loans at the top of the left hand column

6) Select the item(s) you wnat to renew by ticking the box to the left of each item

7) Select Renew Selected from the horizontal menu above the list of loans

8) Please note you cannot renew books if you:
  • owe the library more than £20
  • your books have been reserved by someone else
  • your account has expired

9) Note the new return date

The library cannot guarantee you can renew your books. You must be prepared to return them on the due date. Please note it is against library regulations to take books on loan to you out of the country.

10) Recalls
If another library member requests a standard loan already issued out to you, you will need to return it within one week of the request being made. Please check your online account regularly to verify due dates. An email notice will be sent to you advising the new due date which over-rides the original due datet. A fine is payable if the book is returned after the new due date.

One week loans cannot be renewed if they have been requested by another reader and must be returned on the due date.


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