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Staff and students at the ICH can now get onsite access to the Maternal & Child Nutrition journal from volume 1, 2005 onwards.
This journal is also available in paper format in the ICH Library.
This report has been published by the Confidential Enquiry into Maternal and Child Health (CEMACH). It is the first report of a national confidential enquiry specifically focussed on child deaths. There were six key findings: Key Finding 1: The feasibility of confidential enquiries in children: CEMACH recommended that it should prepare a strategy for the future development of the national confidential enquiry for child health in liaison with the National Patient Safety Agency, the Department of Health, the Department for Children, Schools and Families and other relevant bodies. Key Finding 2: Good practice: The CEMACH enquiry panels found many examples of high quality care and examples where, even with outstanding care, the child died Key Finding 3: The recognition of serious illness in children: CEMACH recommended (for paediatric care in hospitals) a standardised and rational monitoring system with imbedded early identification systems for children developing critical illness – an...
For students and staff looking for a moment of calm from their studies or working day may be interested to know that last summer the EDI team introduced two new spaces to be the GOS ICH community. There are two wellbeing rooms, situated on the ground floor of the Philip Ullman Wing, where you can pray, meditate or reflect. It’s also a place for those who are looking for a calm space to take a bit of time out. Room G0.1 is intended for multi-faith prayer and religious observance, and as a quiet space. Room G0.02 is a dedicated quiet space for wellbeing activities such as meditation, mindfulness practise, quiet reading, or for organised wellbeing activities (except on Fridays between 12:30pm and 2:30pm when it is reserved for prayer). To get to the rooms, cross the small bridge just outside Kennedy Lecture Theatre, and then go through the 2 sets of doors opposite Seminar Room 3 (which is just behind you), the rooms are on your left. To respect other users, please familiarise your...
In partnership with UCL Library Services, the Development and Alumni Relations Office can now offer UCL alumni free access to thousands of online academic journals. To start using the digital libraries, please click on the links below and enter your Alumni Web Community (AWC) log-in and password when prompted. Information about the terms and conditions of use can be found online, together with the answers to frequently asked questions . JSTOR JSTOR hosts back issues of more than 2,000 academic journals from the social sciences, humanities and sciences. Back issues are defined by JSTOR as those published more than five years ago. Sage Sage's portfolio contains more than 750 journals spanning the humanities, social sciences, science, technology and medicine. Project Muse Project Muse provides access to 500 journals across the humanities a...