UCL and Great Ormond Street hospital now have access to Emcare (Ovid)

UCL and Great Ormond Street hospital now have  access to Emcare (Ovid)

Emcare (Ovid) covers all nursing specialties and nursing healthcare professions.  The database includes international coverage and unique content not found in other nursing and allied health databases, including more than a thousand journals not covered by Embase.

Features include:

  • 3,700+ international journals indexed
  • 1,800+ titles not available on other leading nursing databases
  • Nearly 5 million records dating back to 1995
  • Up to 250,000 records/citations added each year
  • Broadest scope of international content—more than any other nursing database: 50% of journals are from North America, 40% are from Europe; 10% are from Rest of World. 9% of all records are for articles not in English, most have English-language abstracts.
  • 70% of records have online abstracts
  • More than 70,000 preferred terms in EMTREE, expanded with nursing and allied health terms. All mapped to MEDLINE’s MeSH

Great Ormond Street staff can access it via the NHS Athens account 


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