UCL has a number of new “transformative agreements” with Wiley, Springer, Sage, IOP, RSC and some smaller society publishers. These agreements allow most or all UCL corresponding authors, regardless of funding, to publish their papers open access. The costs are funded by an overall UCL payment covering subscriptions and open access. Follow the steps below, before you submit a paper, to benefit from these agreements. 1. See whether UCL has a transformative agreement with with your publisher. 2. If UCL has a transformative agreement, make sure you check the relevant publisher terms and instructions to find out whether your paper is eligible and how to take advantage of the agreement. 3. If your publication is not covered by a transformative agreement, see our "Can UCL pay my Gold open access costs?" FAQ.* 4. If your publication is not eligible for funding, upload it to RPS (and Europe PubMed Central ) within 3 months of first online pu...